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Anbox Cloud documentation

Anbox Cloud enables running Android apps on any cloud platform at scale. It uses system containers or virtual machines to run the nested Android containers and Juju for deployment in a cloud environment.

Anbox Cloud supports x86 and Arm64 hardware, providing the same set of features for both architectures.

Since Anbox Cloud uses system containers or virtual machines to emulate Android systems, you can achieve the isolation and security level of a virtual machine without the associated overhead. Therefore, compared to other Android emulation solutions, Anbox Cloud can provide at least twice the density and can serve up to 100 Android instances per server.

Due to its highly scalable nature and performance optimisation, delivering device-agnostic mobile applications is very easy. Popular use cases of Anbox Cloud include mobile game streaming services, corporate application streaming, application automation and testing.

In this documentation

Get started - a hands-on introduction to Anbox Cloud for new users
How-to guides
Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks
Concepts - discussion and clarification of key topics, architecture
Technical information - specifications, APIs

Project and community

Anbox Cloud is a Canonical product. It originally grew out of the Anbox open-source project, but its code base is now completely independent.

Thinking about using Anbox Cloud for your next project? Get in touch!

Last updated 8 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.