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Performance benchmarks

The following benchmarks give an overview of the performance that you can achieve with Anbox Cloud.

The benchmarks were performed using the amc benchmark utility as described in How to run benchmarks. The results describe the maximum number of parallel running instances (column # Containers) delivering a stable frame rate (column Avg. FPS). Running more instances either gives a very high variation in the provided frame rate or is not possible due to other hardware limitations such as system memory, GPU memory etc.

For most of the benchmarks below, a special version of the BombSquad application was used. This version runs in a demo mode in which the game provides random and automated simulated gameplay. This allowed the benchmark to simulate a real-world scenario where actual users would play the game, instead of deriving from a static game scene without much variation.

All benchmarks were performed with a variation of the following amc benchmark command:

amc benchmark --network-address -n <number of instances> \
    -p webrtc -f -s 0.1 --measure-time 5m \
    --userdata '{"display_width":1280,"display_height":720,"fps":30,"benchmark":{"enabled":true}}' \
    <app name>

All benchmarks include rendering and video encoding. On machines/VMs without a GPU, rendering and video encoding are performed in software on the CPU. See software rendering and video encoding for more information.

Bare metal

Hardware Anbox Cloud version Rendering / encoding Resolution Application # Containers Avg. FPS
Ampere Altra + 1x NVIDIA Tesla T4 1.11.2 (appliance) hardware / hardware 720p BombSquad 30 29
Ampere Altra + 2x NVIDIA Tesla T4 1.11.2 (appliance) hardware / hardware 720p BombSquad 55 29
Ampere Altra + 1x NVIDIA Tesla T4 1.11.2 (appliance) hardware / hardware 1080p BombSquad 20 28
Ampere Altra + 2x NVIDIA Tesla T4 1.11.2 (appliance) hardware / hardware 1080p BombSquad 50 26


Instance type Anbox Cloud version Rendering / encoding Resolution Application # Containers Avg. FPS
m6g.2xlarge 1.11.2 (appliance) software / software 720p Android 10 Launcher 3 20
m5a.2xlarge 1.11.2 (appliance) software / software 720p Android 10 Launcher 3 13
g5g.metal 1.12.1 (appliance) hardware / hardware 720p BombSquad 55 28
g5g.metal 1.12.1 (appliance) hardware / hardware 720p BombSquad 40 55
g5g.metal 1.12.1 (appliance) hardware / hardware 1080p BombSquad 40 27
g5g.metal 1.12.1 (appliance) hardware / hardware 1080p BombSquad 20 57

Last updated 8 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.