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Network ports

Anbox Cloud exposes certain network ports for access and communication.

For the regular Anbox Cloud deployment, these ports are used for communication between components, and to allow accessing the Anbox Cloud interface.

For the Anbox Cloud Appliance, ports are exposed only for accessing the Anbox Cloud interface since all components are installed on the same machine.

Anbox Cloud

Service Port(s) Protocol Exposed externally Required Description
AMS 8444 TCP no yes HTTPS API
AMS 20002 TCP no no HTTPS Prometheus endpoint
AMS node controller 10000-11000 UDP & TCP yes no Instance service ports
Anbox Cloud Dashboard 5000 TCP no no HTTPS website
Anbox Stream Agent 443 TCP no yes HTTPS API
Anbox Stream Gateway 4000 TCP no yes HTTPS API
Anbox Stream Gateway 7000 TCP no yes Dqlite HA and API
Coturn 5349 TCP yes yes STUN/TURN
Coturn 5349 UDP yes yes STUN/TURN
Coturn 50000-51000 UDP yes no (unless TURN is required) TURN relay ports
etcd 2379 TCP no yes gRPC API
HAProxy 80 TCP yes no HTTP (redirects to HTTPS on port 443)
HAProxy 443 TCP yes no Redirects to HTTPS website
LXD 8443 TCP no yes HTTPS API
NATS 4222 TCP no yes NATS API

Anbox Cloud Appliance

Service Port(s) Protocol Required Description
AMS node controller 10000-11000 UDP & TCP no Instance service ports
Coturn 5349 UDP yes STUN/TURN
Coturn 60000-60100 UDP yes TURN relay ports
Traefik 80 TCP yes HTTP (redirects to HTTPS on port 443)
Traefik 443 TCP yes Redirects to the Anbox Cloud dashboard

Last updated 5 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.