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How to upgrade the Anbox Cloud Appliance

Before you upgrade the Anbox Cloud Appliance, make sure all packages on the machines that are part of the deployment are up-to-date. To do so, run the following commands on each machine:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo snap refresh

The Anbox Cloud Appliance includes an upgrade command which will perform all relevant upgrade steps to a newer version of the appliance. First, run anbox-cloud-appliance status to check if an update is available:

status: ready
update-available: true
reboot-needed: false
version: 1.19.0

While the upgrade process is active, API endpoints and the dashboard will not be available. Anbox Cloud instances will stay active and existing streams will also not be interrupted.

In the anbox-cloud-appliance status command output, the update-available field indicates if an update is available. If an update is available, the upgrade process can now be initiated by running the upgrade command:

anbox-cloud-appliance upgrade

The appliance will now perform all necessary steps to upgrade to the newer available version.


In case automatic updates are disabled for applications, Anbox Management Service (AMS) cannot update the application. See Configure automatic application updates to enable automatic updates or to manually update the applications.

You can watch the upgrade progress on the web interface:

Upgrade the appliance

or with the same anbox-cloud-appliance status command that you used earlier:

status: maintenance
progress: 40
update-available: false
reboot-needed: true
version: 1.19.1

When the upgrade is successful, the appliance is again available for regular use.

In case the upgrade fails due to a transient error or an issue with the system configuration, after resolving the issue, use the --force option to run the upgrade process again:

anbox-cloud-appliance upgrade --force

Last updated a month ago. Help improve this document in the forum.