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Release roadmap

In order to plan for new updates of the Anbox Cloud software stack, this page gives you insight into the general release cycle and planned features for the next versions of Anbox Cloud. However, the roadmap dates are not final and can change depending on various factors such as availability of the Android security patches.

Release Cycle

Anbox Cloud follows a defined release cycle with frequent minor and patch releases.

Minor releases - A new minor release of Anbox Cloud is released every three months. It includes new features and bug fixes.

Patch releases - A patch release for Anbox Cloud is released at the beginning of every month and includes Android and Chrome security updates alongside Anbox Cloud specific bug fixes.


Release Target Date What to expect
1.23.0 August 14 2024 * Improvements to VHAL support
*Overhaul of Anbox Cloud Appliance snap
* AAOS enhancements
* Support for multiple subclusters in the web dashboard
* Android security updates for August 2024
* Bug fixes
1.23.1 September 18 2024 * Android security updates for September 2024
* Bug fixes
1.23.2 October 16 2024 * Android security updates for October 2024
* Bug fixes

Last updated 8 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.