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AMS configuration

AMS provides various configuration items to customise its behaviour. The following table lists the available configuration items and their meaning.

Name Type Deprecated Default Description
application.addons string No - Comma-separated list of addons that every application managed by AMS will use. See How to enable an addon globally.
application.auto_publish bool No true If set to true, AMS automatically published new application versions when the bootstrap process is finished. false disables this. See Publish application versions.
application.auto_update bool No true If set to true, AMS automatically updates applications whenever any dependencies (parent image, addons, global configuration) change. false disables this. See Configure automatic application updates.
application.default_abi string No - Default Android ABI that applications should use. See Android ABIs for a list of available ABIs.
application.max_published_versions integer No 3 Maximum number of published versions per application. If the number of versions of an application exceeds this configuration, AMS will automatically clean up older versions.
container.apt_mirror string Yes - APT mirror to use within the containers. By default, http://archive.ubuntu.com (amd64) or http://ports.ubuntu.com (arm64) is used. This configuration item is deprecated since 1.20, use instance.apt_mirror instead.
container.default_platform string Yes - The name of the platform that Anbox Cloud uses by default to launch containers. This configuration item is deprecated since 1.20, use instance.default_platform instead.
container.features string Yes - Comma-separated list of features to enable (see list below). This configuration item is deprecated since 1.20, use instance.features instead.
container.network_proxy string Yes - Network proxy to use inside the containers. This configuration item is deprecated since 1.20, use instance.network_proxy instead.
container.security_updates bool Yes true If set to true, automatic Ubuntu security updates are applied during the application bootstrap process. false disables this.
core.proxy_http string No - HTTP proxy to use for HTTP requests that AMS performs.
core.proxy_https string No - HTTPS proxy to use for HTTPS requests that AMS performs.
core.proxy_ignore_hosts string No - Comma-separated list that defines the hosts for which a configured proxy is not used.
core.trust_password string No - The AMS trust password.
cpu.limit_mode string No scheduler The mode AMS uses to limit CPU access for an instance. See About performance for details. Possible values are: scheduler, pinning
gpu.allocation_mode string No all Method of allocating GPUs: all tells AMS to allocate all available GPUs on a system to an instance. single allocates only a single GPU.
gpu.type string No none Type of GPU: none, intel, nvidia, amd
images.allow_insecure bool No false If set to true, AMS allows accepting untrusted certificates provided by the configured image server.
images.auth string No - Authentication details for AMS to access the image server. When reading this configuration, a Boolean value that indicates whether the item is set is returned, to avoid exposing credentials.
images.update_interval string No 5m Frequency of image updates (for example: 1h, 30m).
images.url string No https://images.anbox-cloud.io/stable/ URL of the image server to use.
images.version_lockstep bool No true Whether to put the version of the latest pulled image and the AMS version in a lockstep. This ensures that a deployment is not automatically updated to newer image versions if AMS is still at an older version. This only applies for new major and minor but not patch version updates.
instance.apt_mirror string No - APT mirror to use within the instances. By default, http://archive.ubuntu.com (amd64) or http://ports.ubuntu.com (arm64) is used.
instance.default_platform string No - The name of the platform that Anbox Cloud uses by default to launch instances.
instance.features string No - Comma-separated list of features to enable (see list below).
instance.network_proxy string No - Network proxy to use inside the instances.
instance.security_updates bool No true If set to true, automatic Ubuntu security updates are applied during the application bootstrap process. false disables this. This configuration item is deprecated since 1.20, use instance.security_updates instead.
load_balancer.url string No - URL of the load balancer behind which AMS sits. The URL is handed to instances started by AMS to allow them to contact AMS through the load balancer and not via the address of an individual AMS instance.
node.queue_size integer No 100 Maximum size of the queue containing requests to start and stop instances per LXD node. Changing the value requires a restart of AMS.
node.workers_per_queue integer No 4 Number of workers processing instance start and stop requests. Changing the value requires a restart of AMS.
registry.filter string No - Comma-separated list of tags to filter for when applications are fetched from the Anbox Application Registry. If empty, no filter is applied.
registry.fingerprint string No - Fingerprint of the certificate that the Anbox Application Registry uses to TLS-secure its HTTPS endpoint. This is used by AMS for mutual TLS authentication with the registry.
registry.mode string No pull Mode in which the Anbox Application Registry client in AMS operates: manual, pull, push
registry.update_interval string No 1h Frequency of Anbox Application Registry updates (for example: 1h, 30m).
registry.url string No - URL of the Anbox Application Registry to use.
scheduler.strategy string No spread Strategy that the internal instance scheduler in AMS uses to distribute instances across available LXD nodes: binpack, spread

Node-specific configuration

In a cluster setup, there are configuration items that can be customised for each node. The following table lists the available configuration items and their meaning.

Name Type Deprecated Default Description
cpu-allocation-rate integer No 4 CPU allocation rate used for over-committing resources.
cpus integer No all available Number of CPUs dedicated to instances.
gpu-encoder-slots integer No 0 (for nodes without GPU or with AMD GPU)
32 (for nodes with NVIDIA GPU)
10 (for nodes with Intel GPU)
Number of GPU encoder slots available on the node.
gpu-slots integer No 0 (for nodes without GPU)
32 (for nodes with NVIDIA GPU)
10 (for nodes with AMD or Intel GPU)
Number of GPU slots available on the node.
memory integer No all available Memory dedicated to instances.
memory-allocation-rate integer No 2 Memory allocation rate used for over-committing resources.
public-address string No - The public, reachable address of the node.
subnet string No - The network subnet of the machine where the node runs.
tags string No - Tags to identify the node.
unschedulable bool No false If set to true, the node cannot be scheduled, which prevents new instances from being launched on it.

See Configure cluster nodes for instructions on how to set these configuration items.


Anbox Cloud includes some features which are not enabled by default but can be conditionally enabled. The features are enabled by flags which are configured through AMS. You can configure the feature flags either globally for all instances or per application.

To configure a feature globally for all instances, use a command similar to the following:

amc config set instance.features foo,bar

To configure a feature for one application in the manifest, use a syntax similar to the following:

name: my-app
instance-type: a4.3
features: ["foo", "bar"]

System UI

By default, Anbox hides the Android system UI when an application is running in foreground mode. In some use cases, however, it’s required to have the system UI available for navigation purposes. This can be enabled with the enable_system_ui feature flag.

The feature flag will be considered by all new launched instances once set.

Virtual Keyboard

The Android virtual keyboard is disabled by default but can be enabled with the enable_virtual_keyboard feature flag.

For the feature to be considered, applications must be manually updated, because changes to allow the feature to work are only applied during the application bootstrap process.

Client-Side Virtual Keyboard

The client-side virtual keyboard is disabled by default but can be enabled with the enable_anbox_ime feature flag. It requires the client application to embed Anbox WebView which interacts with the client-side virtual keyboard for text editing and sends the text to the Android container.

For the feature to be considered, applications must be manually updated, because changes to allow the feature to work are only applied during the application bootstrap process.


By default, Anbox sets up a virtual WiFi device, which sits on top of an Ethernet connection and simulates a real WiFi connection. This WiFi support can be optionally disabled with the disable_wifi feature flag.

The feature flag will be considered by all newly launched instances once set.

Android reboot

By default, Android is not allowed to reboot. With the allow_android_reboot feature flag, this can be allowed.

Note that you must disable the watchdog if reboots are allowed.

The feature flag will be considered by all newly launched instances once set.

AV1 software encoder

since 1.17.0

The AV1 software encoder is disabled by default but can be enabled with the experimental.force_av1_software_encoding feature flag. To transcode the video stream encoded in AV1 codec, all clients must support AV1 decoding.

Once set, this feature flag will be considered by all newly launched instances.

Development settings

since 1.18.0

The Android development settings (which include an ADB connection) are enabled by default. Some applications require these settings to be disabled, which you can do with the disable_development_settings feature flag.

Once set, this feature flag will be considered by all newly launched instances.

Custom Android ID

since 1.18.0, supported on AOSP images only

To enable the Android container to use a custom Android ID, add the feature flag android.allow_custom_android_id upon application creation. A system app can influence the Android ID of a specific app during the Android runtime by setting the system property in the format of:

  • The <index> is a number in the range from 0 to 126, which allows you to have multiple overrides for different packages. If the same <package_name> with the different <android_id> is given for multiple system properties anbox.custom_android_id.<index>, the Android ID read from the system property which has the highest suffixing index that will be used in the end.
  • The <package_name> is the package name of the application.
  • The <android_id> is a unique ID that represents the Android ID for the targeting application. It must be at least 16 characters in length.

Once set, this feature flag will be considered by all newly launched instances.

GL Async Swap Support

since 1.21.0

GL Async swap support is disabled by default for explicit signals of buffer swaps completion. To enable the GL async swap feature, add the feature flag emugl.enable_async_swap_support upon application creation. Once the async swap support is enabled, Anbox Cloud will use the host GL driver fence commands and file descriptors to synchronise the finished frames between the host and guest instead fully relying on the host GPU driver to do so. The environment variable ANBOX_ASYNC_SWAP_ENABLED_PACKAGES that accepts a comma-separated list of package names can be used to allow certain packages to use the GL async swap feature.

Once set, this feature flag will be considered by all newly launched instances.

WebRTC ICE candidate logging

since 1.20.2


Enabling this will print IP addresses of WebRTC clients connecting to the Anbox Cloud instances in the logs without anonymization in clear text.

For debugging purposes, Anbox Cloud can log ICE candidates from the server and client inside the system log of an instance. This is disabled by default and needs to be explicitly turned on with the feature flag webrtc.enable_ice_logging.

Once set, this feature flag will be considered by all newly launched instances.

Last updated 23 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.