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AMC command reference: application

The application command allows you to manage applications using the Anbox Management Client (AMC).

amc application <subcommand>

You can also use the alias app instead of application.


The following subcommands are available:


Create an application from the contents of the directory, tarball or zip archive.

amc application create <app_name> (<directory> | <tarball> | <zip archive>) [options]

The following options are available:

Option Description
-h, --help Display help information for the command.
-t, --timeout String value to denote the maximum wait time for the operation to complete. The default is 5m.
--vm Create an application using virtual machines instead of containers.


Delete the specified application.

amc application delete <app_name> [options]

The following options are available:

Option Description
-a, --all Delete all existing applications.
-f, --force Force deletes of the application even if it is immutable. Applications downloaded from the registry cannot be deleted unless this flag is used.
-h, --help Displays help information for the delete command.
--no-wait Indicates not to wait for the delete operation to finish.
-t, --timeout String value that denotes the maximum wait time for the operation to complete. The default is 5m.
-v, --version Displays the version of the application that needs to be deleted. If a version is not mentioned, the addon is deleted for all versions of an application.
-y, --yes Option for non interactive deletion, assuming ‘yes’ as an answer to all prompt.


List all available applications. You can apply filters to see a specific list of applications.

amc application list [options]

You can use the alias ls instead of list.

The following options are available:

Option Description
-f, --filter Filters the output based on specified attributes. The attributes can be one of these:
* instance-type=(comma-separated list)
* addons=(comma-separated list)
* tags=(comma-separated list)
* published=(true/false)
* immutable=(true/false)
* status=(string)
* vm=(true/false)
--format String value that controls the output format which can either be in a table form, JSON, YAML or CSV. The default value is table.
-h, --help Displays help information for the list command.


Publish a version of the application. When an application is launched, AMS always uses the published version of the application unless otherwise mentioned.

amc application publish <app_name> <version> --timeout=3m

where -t or –timeout is a string value to denote the maximum wait time for the operation to complete. The default is 5m.


Revoke a published application version.

amc application revoke <app_name> <version> --timeout=3m

where -t or –timeout is a string value to denote the maximum wait time for the operation to complete. The default is 5m.


Update specific attributes of an application’s manifest without creating a new version of the application.

amc application set <app_name> <field> <field_value>

You can update the following fields:

  • image
  • addons
  • tags
  • inhibit-auto-updates
  • resources.cpus
  • resources.memory
  • resources.disk-size
  • resources.gpu-slots
  • resources.vpu-slots
  • boot-activity
  • features
  • hooks.timeout
  • bootstrap.keep
  • node-selector
  • watchdog.disabled
  • watchdog.allowed-packages


Display information about an application and its versions.

amc application show <app_name> --format=json

where --format controls the output formatting. The values for --format can be json or yaml. The output displays in YAML format by default if a format is not specified.


Reset an attribute of an application’s manifest to its default value.

amc application unset <app_name> <field>

You can reset the following attributes:

  • tags
  • addons
  • features

For resetting any other attribute, use the amc application set command and specify the attribute value.


Update an existing application. Updating an application creates a new version.

amc application update <app_name> <package_path> --timeout=10m

where -t or –timeout is a string value to denote the maximum wait time for the operation to complete. The default is 5m.

If you don’t provide a package for the update, AMS checks all possible updates by verifying the application against newer images and addons and applies pending changes as necessary.

If you prefer specific updates to your application, use the amc application set command instead as it allows you to update specific fields of the application without updating the application.

Last updated 3 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.